
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Knitting? Oh yeah!

Studying? Not so much...

I´m in a rut regarding my exams. I know that if I sit down on my behind and just get to work, I won´t have to do as much next march to finish. But I´m tired. Tired of studying, tired of never really being able to relax totally because in my mind there´s always that picture of a huge mountain of information I need to absorb.

I´m so damn tired. I want to lock myself into my office/fiber room, sit on the couch, watch the Olympics, drink tea and knit. Just knit...

But that is not an option so I´m sitting at my desk with my books in front of me. Although, the tv is on!

When I´m only reading stuff and don´t need to write, I´m knitting. That´s how I managed to get almost half sleeve done in a day and a bit. This is what I did sunday evening:


This is what I had as of 11 p.m. last night (monday):


(I just noticed how wobbly this pictures is...ooops, sorry!)

And because a cabled sleeve in various stages of completion is not all that interesting, I´ll show you what I bought in Kenmare, Ireland:

It´s a bit absurd to buy alpaca in the land of sheep, but the only other local product was an extremely scratchy aran wool that I know I won´t knit with, so I bought the Kerry Alpaca. It´s 50gr. of a light fingering weight, I´d say (no yardage on the band). It´s undyed and I will definitely dye it. I have some ideas for this but it will take me a while to get to it.

I wrote a progress report yesterday. I´ve been thinking about my knitting goals for 2008 for quite a while and how serious I want to take them. I came to the conclusion that I really want to do everything on the list except the last one (the one about the WIPs, remember?). As a reward, I will buy myself a rigid heddle loom in January. Yes, I want to try weaving (as if I don´t have enough to do already!) and definitely spinning also, but that will have to wait until I get my degree.

OK, enough already, I need to get back to the books...


Blogger SamiraSarah said...

Just wanted to make sure the comments work!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008 at 12:47:00 PM GMT+2  

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