
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Thursday, July 31, 2008


So my first resolution is shot to you know what... The problem with posting everyday is that my notebook isn´t with me right now. I lent it to my mom, who is in rehab after a bad knee injury. Since she´s self-employed and needs it more than I do, it was the right decision. So now I have to use her computer in her office which really isn´t that far away, but still it´s more work than just blogging from wherever I feel like it!
She´ll be back in three weeks and on Sunday the man and I are going to Ireland for ten days so it´s actually not that long.

Went to the gym yesterday and it felt good. The Points counting is going very well, too. It´s pretty easy and I think this is the only way I´m ever going to lose weight because I can eat what I want, when I want it. All I have to do is count and make my portions smaller. But I´m not hungry, which just shows me that I have been eating too much. OK, I know, tell me something I didn´t know...

Guess what? I got myself a new tellie for my office. I know you´re thinking: What? For the office??? Well this room is actually everything. Office, second living room and fiber room. When the man and I moved in together we had 3 TVs, 2 stereos and 2 couches (among other things). So I put my stereo, couch and TV in the office. It´s for when either me or the man needs some peace and quiet, but don´t want to go to bed. The old TV in this room was 20 years old and had no remote and I used it solely for watching DVDs. Well the sockets where you connect the DVD-Player? Right, broken.
So this is my new baby:

It´s a Sony Bravia. Me likey!! Sorry, I´ve been watching too much Sex and the City!

The Mandarin collar cardie is finished except for the collar. Will finish it today, because we´re going to see the little guy it´s for!


My Starsky is coming along. I´ve got 3 pattern repeats on the back done. And I need 12... This will be my Ireland project. I´m also taking my Sockus Studiosus.
OK, gotta go so I can be there when the gym opens!


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