
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


Ok, I´m really starting to freak out now: my thesis is due next wednesday! That means it has to be at the printers on tuesday! And I´m pretty far from being finished. Well the text is done, but there are still some touch-ups to do. And yesterday morning, on a business trip to Berlin, I slipped and fell not once, but twice in about 3 meters... Man that was embarassing and it hurt, too. So when I got home last night, my ankle was hurting really bad and it took me 15 minutes to get my boot off... So I had to go to see a doctor this morning and he tells me that I tore the ligaments in my foot.
Something weird happened today: as I was waiting for my two doctor´s appointments 2(!) people asked me about my knitting. I couldn´t believe it, I mean ever since I started knitting regularly again nobody has ever approached me about it! And now two in one day!

No pictures today because I´m too lazy to get the camera out but there has been knitting. I´m almost ready to start the toe on my train sock, the blue socks for my brother are getting a couple of rounds a day and the patchwork blanket now has two completed squares and a bit of the third.
Now I gotta do some more on my thesis.

Good night!


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