
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Warning! Mostly non-knitting content!

You should take the warning seriously!! My boyfriend and I went to a wine tasting here, with a couple of friends, yesterday. It felt really good to take two days off and just enjoy good wine, food and company. Was a nice change from being holed up in my office, writing my thesis. But now it´s back to normal and tomorrow, I even have to go to work again...
Knit-wise, it´s been slow. I wanted to use the drive to the vinyard to get some good progress done on the sock, but since I had to sit behind the driver, I started getting really car-sick. So that was not cool!!! But nonetheless, I only have 4 more 8-row-repeats to go on the leg and then about 15 rows of 1x1 ribbing. Since I´m going to have to commute again, starting tomorrow, I
bet I´ll get it done next week.

Today, on the drive back I tried knitting again and my friend Ute kept saying: "Wow, I wish I could do that, but I just can´t knit socks to save my life...You know what, I want handknit socks for my birthday. It´s March 5th, I wear size 40! ;-)"
I usually don´t like knitting for other people, besides my ma, because I had some bad experiences with people not appreciating handmade stuff, but she and her boyfriend make some of the most awesome jewellery I have ever seen. He made me a necklace for my birthday that my boyfriend gave me and Ute made me a really cool ring, which she made me. I´ll post pics as soon as I get around to taking them!!! So, if she really wants socks for her birthday, she gets them!!
That sounds like a deadline I can meet, so I can start scouring the net in search of a cool pattern and some cool sockwool. I know she likes it colorful, you should see her house, so I need to find or dye something really loud!
Well, my freetime is up, better get back to my thesis...


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