
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Ok, this blogging thing has got to get back to being a regular here at casa de Ribb-it! It has been a very busy couple of months. First off, I received the grade of my thesis, which wasn´t great but acceptable. In march I had a big exam, which I also passed, but the grade definitely is NOT acceptable. I have the chance to try again in september, which is what I´ll do.

I am off work this week because I have a serious case of the sniffles complete with a stuffy head and all. I feel miserable and should be working on a 15 page paper due the end of may but brainy work is not an option at the moment. So I´ve been knitting instead. Well not 24/7 because I have to help my mom at the moment. She had knee surgery last week and is pretty slow on crutches and has lots of doctors appointments and stuff.

Anyways, back to the knitty:

in my last post, I set 6 goals for 2008. I am going to comment each one regarding it´s status.

1. Here I wrote "finish Interlocking Cables", but in the meantime I´ve ripped the damn thing! It was about three times too big!!! Next time I start this I promise to swatch... Yes, you heard right I will swatch!!!!! I still want to finish this thing this year and I will!

I did swatch and have gotten pretty far again. I´m almost finished with the body, leaving the two sleeves and the huge collar. This is my main project at the moment. Although all this cabling is getting a bit boring. So far, I´ve resisted the urge to cast on for a new sweater. All in all, I think I can finish it this year.

2. Knit Starsky ( I don´t have yarn for this yet, but more about this later)

In the meantime, I couldn´t resist and bought my first batch of Malabrigo. I´ll post pics of my newest stash acquisitions in my next post. This is up as soon as I finish Interlocking Cables. I seriously want this for fall, so I´m very intent on finishing it.

3. Knit at least 6 pairs of socks (one is in the making)

As of now, one pair is finished and the second is just half a foot and the toe away. I think I can meet this goal, too.

4. Knit one big lace project (this is my Indigo Spring which can be seen on ravelry, username: ribbit)

I´m plugging away at this, slowly... Instead of the bobbles, I want to use beads but I haven´t gotten around to ordering them. I have plans to wear this in December at the Christmas party at my new employer. (Yes I have a new job which I will be starting on October 1st)

5. Knit one fair isle project with steeks
6. leave no UFOs at the end of each quarter of the year-> if I accomplish this: I will allow myself to buy 3 skeins of sock yarn from the Loopy Ewe.=> for the end of march this means I have to finish two sweaters, one pair of "fetching" and a hat. (so far I´ve been working on the sweater that needed the most work, but more about that in another post)

Weeeeellll, this one is not going so well... At the end of the first quarter, I didn´t finish anything and I´m just not feeling the finishing urge just now, to do that for the second quarter. ;-) I have quite a bit of sock yarn anyway...

Now on to some things I´ve been working on:
here you see a little tiny Rudyard for a friends baby. I hope, I´ll get to see the little one soon!


Pattern: Rudyard
Size: 6 months
Yarn: Siena 100% merino in denim, light blue and red from Wolle Rödel (about 4 skeins)

In the next picture you see that the mitres bug has bitten me! These squares are destined to be a baby blanket for another friends´ baby boy due at the beginning of August.

Ok, that´s pretty much all. I´m dead tired and need some sleep!


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