
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Another update

Here´s an update on my goals:

1. Here I wrote "finish Interlocking Cables", but in the meantime I´ve ripped the damn thing! It was about three times too big!!! Next time I start this I promise to swatch... Yes, you heard right I will swatch!!!!! I still want to finish this thing this year and I will!

Only grafting and a good soak left... should be just a matter of days! (ok, I just jinxed it, I bet!)Yeah, I jinxed it. It´s still lying there untouched. In a quiet moment, I´ll see to getting it done.
Still lying untouched! This one will probably be done just barely in time!

2. Knit Starsky ( I don´t have yarn for this yet, but more about this later)


3. Knit at least 6 pairs of socks


4. Knit one big lace project (this is my Indigo Spring which can be seen on ravelry, username: ribbit)

Picked it up, but I can´t find my beads. I´ll be looking for them shortly!

5. Knit one fair isle project with steeks. This will be Eunny Jangs Deep V-necked Argyle Vest.
