
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Saturday, September 13, 2008


That´s what I feel, when I think about my exams... next wednesday and friday! I really wanted to do all three of them, but I´m thinking it would be better on myself to skip the last one on friday. Wednesday is going to be tough enough. I guess I´ll give myself time until monday to sort things out and decide.

In happier news, I went to the gym three times and went swimming two times (1000 metres freestyle every time) this week. Last week I made it to the gym twice and went swimming once. I lost 4 lbs. and I´m feeling great. Finally, I´m getting back a little bit of that good, springy feeling for my body. There still is a long long way to go, but every little step counts.

At Juno´s blog I read about the 100pushup project. I´ve been thinking about this for a couple of days and I´ll have a go at it. Starting monday!

And there has been knitting. I still haven´t found a solution for my interlocking cables. It´s on hold until after my bloody exams. But my Spring Forward socks are really "springing forward"! (Pun intended!)

That´s one down and the other at the heel! I like the proportion of this sock. It looks so short and stubby. The leg really is a bit loose but not sagging loose and the length of the foot is perfect. The pattern is totally cool. I can really see it in a scarf! Well, it´ll be done some time next week and with it my fourth pair for 2008!

Ok, I´m dead tired and need some sleep! Good night!

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Three´s a crowd, right?

This is the new sock I am working on:


It´s a Spring forward sock out of Fortissima colori socka color (Mexiko Country Colors, Alaska). I really like the way the colors are developing. Better pictures tomorrow.
It´s grown since then but my camera batteries are dead! Tomorrow is another day, right?

Today is pretty shitty anyway. The man and I went to a funeral today. An old friend of the man, 44 years old just dropped dead. It was really really bad.

More about life in general tomorrow. Gotta go to bed now!

To make up, you get 2 posts in 1 day!

Here´s an update on my goals:

1. Here I wrote "finish Interlocking Cables", but in the meantime I´ve ripped the damn thing! It was about three times too big!!! Next time I start this I promise to swatch... Yes, you heard right I will swatch!!!!! I still want to finish this thing this year and I will!

Only grafting and a good soak left... should be just a matter of days! (ok, I just jinxed it, I bet!)

2. Knit Starsky ( I don´t have yarn for this yet, but more about this later)


3. Knit at least 6 pairs of socks

(one is in the making)3 down, one in progress, 2 to go! This is what I wrote the last time, but it was wrong at the time I wrote it. Now, with the heelless sleeping socks done, it´s correct. I cast on a new pair directly after finishing the last! More on that later...

4. Knit one big lace project (this is my Indigo Spring which can be seen on ravelry, username: ribbit)

Haven´t worked on this in a long time because I hadn´t bought beads (couldn´t decide on a color). I have some now and can finally continue.

5. Knit one fair isle project with steeks. This will be Eunny Jangs Deep V-necked Argyle Vest.

I have the yarn but haven´t started.

I reckon I can still make it till the end of the year, don´t you?

So much for daily posting...

It´s been too long, again! Life just keeps interfering with blogging...
So since my last post, I´ve finished the collar of interlocking cables,


then, because the bottom end of the sweater looked like this:

PICT0411 all flared out (that happens when you cast on 360 stitches, realize you only need 340 but are too lazy to start over again so you eliminate 20 stitches by k2tog 20 times... fixing it now is taking far more time than if I had fixed it right away). Anyhow, I chopped off about 15 rows, put the stitches on a needle and cast on 340 stitches and knit the ribbing again, this time, a little longer because the body was a tad short to begin with. (Note to self: when you think something is long enough, add another 5 cm!)


So now, that the ribbing is long enough, I have to graft the cabled ribbing to the rest of the body... (knitting down from the top wasn´t an option because that is always half a stitch off!) I surfed the net and found this. It´s a great tutorial and I pretty much got the hang of it. What I didn´t realize is that the stitches on the body and the stitches on the added ribbing form, when grafted, 3 (!!!) rows. So I ended up with this:


So that didn´t turn out so well! Then I took the new ribbing off the thread, ripped out 2 rows (it was a guesstimate) and repeated the procedure. Turns out, 2 rows wasn´t enough. Last night at 11 p.m. I really wasn´t feeling the love for this thing anymore, so I put it aside. So in the next couple of days I will be ripping out another row, putting the 340 stitches back on thread so I can start grafting again.

Now, on to a different matter: apparently, this


is what you get after 7 1/2 hours of knitting on various trains. Compared to it´s mate:
you can see, that it´s not all that far from completion. Had I knit the first 2 hours of the train ride, it would have been finished by the time I got back home but I met an old school friend and we yakked all the way to where I had to get off the train. That was saturday and on sunday I had this:

Ok, that´s enough for one post!