
My blog about how I try knitting without too many trips to the frog pond. An occasional sewing project might find it´s way in here also!

Sunday, October 26, 2008


Here´s an update on my goals:

1. Here I wrote "finish Interlocking Cables", but in the meantime I´ve ripped the damn thing! It was about three times too big!!! Next time I start this I promise to swatch... Yes, you heard right I will swatch!!!!! I still want to finish this thing this year and I will!

Only grafting and a good soak left... should be just a matter of days! (ok, I just jinxed it, I bet!)
Yeah, I jinxed it. It´s still lying there untouched. In a quiet moment, I´ll see to getting it done.

2. Knit Starsky ( I don´t have yarn for this yet, but more about this later)


3. Knit at least 6 pairs of socks

Finished the fourth and the fifth pair of socks and if blogger would just let me post pics, I could show you! The last pair of socks is already, sort of, planned out.

4. Knit one big lace project (this is my Indigo Spring which can be seen on ravelry, username: ribbit)

Haven´t worked on this in a long time because I hadn´t bought beads (couldn´t decide on a color). I have some now and can finally continue.
Will be picking this up shortly

5. Knit one fair isle project with steeks. This will be Eunny Jangs Deep V-necked Argyle Vest.

Started and I´m already more than halfway done.

I reckon I can still make it till the end of the year, don´t you?

Ok, it´s been too long again... my excuse is that I just started my new job.
I could have stayed at home longer, but no work no money. And that I need to support my yarn habit...
The job is good so far, haven´t been able to do much but it was definitely the right decision to change jobs. The only problem is the major draft resulting from the central air vents right above my desk... I´m freezing and I needed me some fingerless mitts. So I took this:

And turned it into this:

in two nights.

There have also been some FOs here at Casa de Ribb-it!

ETA: Blogger won´t let me upload pics, so I´ll try again later! Check out my FOs on Ravelry (username: ribbit)